Resilience | June 20, 2018

Resilience: a Proactive vs Reactive approach

Resilience has been there in a small scale much before organizations has started talking about it. In most cases Resilience as a pro-active approach or in much common words – […]

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Cyber Resilience | June 19, 2018

Principles of Resilience thinking

While we talk about Resilience, its about 2 aspects – absorbing theĀ  negative effect or recovering quickly from it   1.Maintain diversity and Redundancy Dont put all your eggs in […]

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Cyber Resilience | June 18, 2018

Cyber Security vs Cyber Resilience

Lets have a look at the words Resilience & Security in Cyber Security ā€“> Defense, Guard, Preventive, Protect, Shield Resilience-> Buoyant, Supple, Elastic, Quick to Recover, Rubbery, Springy Cyber Security […]

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Basics | June 18, 2018

Cyber Resilience

In the same way that biological systems acquire immunity towards diseases, cyber/ITĀ  systems should adapt to ever changing cyber threats. Here comes the importance of cyber resilience. Cyber resilience is […]

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Business Continuity | June 18, 2018

Resilience over Business Continuity

To be an entrepreneur is always a dream for most of the people. To build something that becomes essential to everyday life of the people is always exciting. Many of […]

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Basics | June 17, 2018

Personal Resilience, a Resilient person ?

We do our best to stay away from diseases – Avoid playing in rain, if wet, get yourself dried up Avoid having stale foods What happens when you fall sick, […]

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Basics | June 11, 2018

Identify Resilience

A stretched rubber in a rubber band, the moment you leave it, it returns to its original form / shape. Its capable of being stretched to a certain point until […]

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